Name and address: | HELLA GmbH & Co. KGaA Rixbecker Straße 75 59552 Lippstadt |
Phone: | +49 (0) 2941/38-0 | |
Contact ( for questions about website content): | ebusi | |
Commercial Register: | Local Court Paderborn, HRB 6857 | |
Personally Liable Partners: | HELLA Geschäftsführungsgesellschaft mbH, Lippstadt |
Managing Directors of HELLA Geschäftsführungsgesellschaft mbH: | Bernard Schäferbarthold (CEO), Yves Andres, Stefan van Dalen, Stefanie Rheker, Philippe Vienney, Jörg Weisgerber |
Chairman of the Supervisory Board: | Andreas Renschler | |
VAT identification number: | DE 813 832 619 |
Please use our contact forms for all other requests.
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